2nd Hacks in Taiwan Conference


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Fyodor Yarochkin
Fyodor Yarochkin is a security hobbyist and happy programmer with a few years spent in business objectives and the “security” service delivery field. These years, however, weren’t completely wasted - Fyodor has been contributing his spare time to a few open and closed source projects, that attracted limited use among non-business oriented computer society. He has a background of system administration and programming and holds Engineering degree in Software Engineering.
The grugq has been researching anti-forensics for almost 5 years. Grugq has worked to secure the networks and hosts of global corporations, and has also worked for security consultanting companies. Currently, he slaves for a start-up, designing and writing IPS software and also as a freelance security consultant. Grugq has presented to the UK’s largest forensic practioner group where he scared the police. In his spare time, grugq likes to drink and rant.
目前從事Web Security研究及參與程式碼自動化分析.

� Windows System Programming
� Windows Device Driver and Windows Internal
� C/C++, Delphi, BCB, VB, ASM Language
� Computer Forensic & Anti-Forensic
� Software Reversing, Software Cracking, Software Protection
� Application and Web Code Review
� Software Security, Vulnerability Analysis, Shellcoding
� Malicious Software Analysis and Development
(Virus, Worm, Trojan, Botnet, Rootkit)
Yen-Ming Chen, Senior Principal Consultant, Foundstone, A division of McAfee
Yen-Ming leads Foundstone consultants to provide strategic security consulting services to Global 2000 clients. With almost a decade of experience in business development, IT and security, Yen-Ming brings extensive knowledge in both business and technology to his clients. Yen-Ming established the Asian Pacific branch in Singapore for Foundstone and has been instrumental in growing business for Foundstone in APAC. He has performed security assessments for security technologies (ISA server, firewall, and other security products), business applications (financial applications, CRM, and Tax software) and other technologies (multi-functional office equipments and IPTV). He contributed to Four books and numerous articles published on SecurityFocus and other magazines. He’s frequent speaker for conferences like CSI, MISTI and others. He served as a Lead Instructor for Foundstone’s Ultimate Hacking series classes. Before joining Foundstone, Yen-Ming worked at Carnegie Mellon University and he created the first intrusion detection system appliance prototype using PicoBSD and Snort. He also wrote the first intrusion detection log correlation and analysis program, snort-stat, for Snort. Yen-Ming held a MS in Information Networking from Carnegie Mellon University and a BS in Mathematics from National Central University.
Language : x86 Assembly, C Language
Skill : Windows System Programming
Interest : Viruses, Reverse Engineering

目前除了工作之外,也就讀於大同資工所博士班一年級,主要研究在領域在資訊安全方面,包含軟體行為分析、惡意程式偵測演算法與 IDS 系統、軟體工程架構等。軟體設計方面約有十年的經驗, 工作經驗有六年。並對於軟體設計方面與 C/C++ 十分著迷,尤其在 Generic Programming 或是其他進階主題,另外對於 Spyware/Rootkit、Software Reversing、System Programming 等 Security 主題也有相當的研究。


* 大同大學資訊工程研究所博士班
* 大同大學資訊工程研究所碩士
* 國立中央大學機械系


* Windows/Linux System Programming,SDK,DDK
* Device Driver and Embedded System
* Network Protocol Programming
* C/C++, Delphi, PHP, Python, Java Language
* OODP, Generic Programming, RUP, UML, Design Patterns
* Software Reversing, Software Protection
平時喜歡寫程式,主要興趣方面為 Windows System Programming
及其應用於 Spyware/Rootkit 之各項技術
慣用之 programming language: x86 asm, C, C++
在 Ptt 的 C_AND_CPP 板也不時會出沒

畢業於中央警察大學資管所,喜歡研究軟體核心(Kernel)與逆向工程(Reverse Engineering),熟悉Soft-Ice與OllyDgb工具, 在學期間主要研究電腦鑑識(Computer Forensic)技術,並在台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心(TWCERT/CC)擔任電腦鑑識實務班(TCCF)講師至今, 內容涵蓋法律面的證據力探討、技術面的取證技術、管理面的證據保存等議題。目前研究興趣是惡意軟體的靜、動態分析技術,偵測程式撰寫等。

Windows System Programming
Malicious Software Analysis
Software Reversing
Computer Forensics