HITCON 2016 Community
HITCON 2016 Community
2016.7.22(五) - 7.23(六)
2016.7.22(Fri) - 7.23(Sat)
中央研究院 人文社會科學館 國際會議廳
Academia Sinica Humanities
& Social Sciences Building
What is HITCON
HITCON Community
HITCON Community 不僅是國內最具含量的純技術資安研討會,更是一場多元豐富的嘉年華會,除了精彩絕倫的技術議程外,亦規劃一系列資安相關活動。如各種社群活動攤位、Hack2Own 競賽、奇葩獎等,使每一位對資安有興趣的朋友,無論是專家駭客或入門者,都得以在這場盛會中有所收穫、盡興而歸。
臺灣向來是各式資訊社群發展蓬勃的精華地區,資安社群自然也不例外。我們希望維持 HITCON 傳統,與國內外資安社群共同成長。為促進社群力量的傳承,本年度大會也特地設立社群專屬議程,鼓勵各社群站上 HITCON 舞台展現研究成果及推廣自身精神,讓 HITCON 不僅是 HITCON,而是一場全民的資安盛會。
Lightning Talk
活動資訊 Activity information
- 時間:HITCON CMT Day 2 下午
- 地點:HITCON CMT R0(國際會議廳)
- 對象:HITCON CMT 全體參與者
- Time:HITCON CMT Day 2 afternoon
- Location:HITCON CMT R0
- Eligible:everyone in HITCON
演講資訊 Speech information
- 每場 Lightning Talk 長度 5 分鐘
- 共 8 位 Lightning Talk 名額
- Each Lightning Talk is 5 minuets
- Total 8 hosts
報名資訊 Apply information
- 時間:HITCON CMT Day 1 開幕時公告
- 地點:中研院人文科學館 三樓走廊
- Time:HITCON CMT Day 1 annoucements
- Apply Location:3rd floor hallway,
Academia Sinica Humanities & Social Sciences Building
注意事項 Notice
- 報名時需寫下講者大名及講題
- 以登記先後順序為準,額滿為止
- 大會將於講者登記時告知舞台設備測試時間
- For applying, write down your name and speech title
- First come first serve
- We will inform you the rehearsal while you apply
The 78 Award
從 2013 年開始,HITCON 除了安排精彩的議程外,更舉辦了「奇葩獎」的活動 。
HITCON 奇葩獎除了在每年的議程中進行頒獎活動外,我們也在 Facebook 上成立了奇葩獎討論區,讓大家除了在活動時可以了解資安事件外,也可以在活動結束後於討論區內進行分享,讓大家可以即時得知最新的奇葩資安事件,並且互相討論交流心得,歡迎大家加入我們的奇葩獎社團,一起關注有趣的資安奇聞軼事。
The 78 Award
Since 2013, HITCON not only arranges marvelous sessions, but also this special event: “The 78 Award”.
“The 78 Award” is a unique event among HITCON events. “78” is often used to describe things that are bizzare or extraordinary. Therefore, the goal of “The 78 Award” is to give credit to the efforts of those “78” hackers and the many respectful “78” events in the past year. Hopefully, having some humor in the air can bring more diversity and attention to Information Security events in Taiwan society.
Other than the annual HITCON “78” award ceromony, we also have a discussion group “The 78 Awards” on Facebook. This is the place to learn about Information Security events during HITCON sessions, and continue to share and discuss about the “78” events even after the sessions have finished. We welcome you all to join “The 78 Award” Facebook goup and follow up on the latest, bizarre securtiy anecdotes.
Community Sharing
為了給社群朋友們一個獨立的舞台分享資安議題,同時提供參與者更多選擇,HITCON Community 大會特別規劃了社群分享活動,讓各社群能在這場一年一度的盛會中,發表其在資安相關議題上的研究成果。
- 時間:2016/07/22 ~ 2016/07/23
- 地點:R4
I Own This Raspberry Pi
I Own This Raspberry Pi
- 時間:2016/07/22 ~ 2016/07/23
- 地點:R0 R1 R2
- 獎項:Raspberry Pi
This is war! The only way to win and get the prize is by taking down the host and preventing it from being taken away. You must be extra cautious, keep the device undamaged and always connected! Replace the host’s mainpage with YOUR NAME and show off your victory!
規則 Rules
- 各會議廳皆有屬於當前會議廳的 Raspberry Pi 挑戰題,請至當前會議廳連上 WIFI 方可開始挑戰。
- 活動當天將於開幕時說明競賽詳細規則,並公佈題目網址。
- 將設備置換首頁成指定格式直到競賽最後一刻即可獲得領獎資格(指定格式為 "Hacked by _____",底線則為自己在網站註冊之暱稱)。
- Each conference room has its own corresponding Raspberry Pi Challenge, you may start the challenge once you connect to the room’s WIFI.
- The game specifics will be given on the opening day along with the web URL of the challenge.
- Whoever replaced the homepage of the device with the specified format at the last moment of this Challenge can win the award. (Specified format: “Hackedy by _______”, use the nickname registered on-line)
The following actions will result in disqualification:
- 散播、與其它隊伍交換關卡金鑰。
- 進行任何破壞競賽公平公正原則之行為。
- 對競賽中提供的關卡外的競賽系統、參賽者及其它人員進行攻擊。
- Share or exchange SECRET KEY of the challenge with other teams.
- Actions that undermine the fairness of the challenge.
- Perform attacks on systems, other contestants, or people that are not listed in the Challenge.
Stands for Hackers
- 名稱:天瓏書商
- 位置 Location:3樓 北側 / 3F North
- 類型 Type:邀請
- 名稱:咖啡意識 Coffice
- 位置 Location:3樓 南側 / 3F South
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 簡介:聽了整天的議程、逛了許多攤位覺得有點累了,需要來點咖啡因提神嗎?本次 HITCON 邀請到林大中先生為各位提供現煮咖啡,每日限量供應,就在三樓的某處,請跟隨香濃的咖啡香來這裡為自己補充滿滿能量吧!
- 名稱:人才招募攤位
- 位置 Location:4樓 南側 / 4F South
- 類型 Type:合作與贊助 Partners and Sponsors
- 簡介:Sudo、關貿網路、雷亞遊戲、TWCERT/CC
- 名稱:校園資訊安全推廣
- 位置 Location:4樓 北側 / 4F North
- 類型 Type:一般 General
- 簡介:「校園資訊安全推廣」是師大資訊研究社以社團形式在校園裡埋下的資安種籽,將介紹社團課程與系列活動規劃,希望與各方交流經驗與理念。
- 名稱:RAT
- 位置 Location:4樓 北側 / 4F North
- 類型 Type:社群 Community
- 簡介:RAT 規劃了 Hack Me 101 的小型資安競賽活動,期許大家更能了解在生活中可能遇到的資安問題。
- 名稱:UCCU
- 位置 Location:4樓 北側 / 4F North
- 類型 Type:社群 Community
- 簡介:南部學生為主的 UCCU 準備了實體解鎖挑戰賽,藉由實體鎖頭的開鎖經驗,讓大家一起回過頭來思考實體安全防護議題。
- 名稱:The Declaration of Hacker (TDOH)
- 位置 Location:4樓 北側 / 4F North
- 類型 Type:社群 Community
- 簡介:TDOH 準備了 Wargame 讓會眾可以小試身手展現攻防能力之外,還有以交流、提供學習資源為目標的 Hacker bar,想轉換跑道的年輕工程師可來此瞭解資安技能樹養成攻略,更提供年底將在台中舉辦的 TDOHConf 的活動贈票。
- 名稱:BambooFox
- 位置 Location:4樓 北側 / 4F North
- 類型 Type:社群 Community
- 簡介:由交大學生組成的 Bamboofox 準備了闖關任務讓大家小試身手,在體驗 CTF 樂趣的同時,亦可提升大家對資安議題的敏銳度。
- 位置 Location:4樓 東側 / 4F East
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 位置 Location:4樓 東側 / 4F East
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 簡介:HITCON GIRLS 是一群以女性為主的探險隊,陪伴對資安世界好奇的女孩們一起探索知識、克服問題。這次將在攤位上提供由淺入深的 Wargame,初探資安領域的初學者能由此踏上冒險的第一步。
- 名稱:HITCON ZeroDay
- 位置 Location:4樓 東側 / 4F East
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 名稱:紀念品 Souvenir!
- 位置 Location:4樓 東側 / 4F East
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 簡介:HITCON CMT 2016 準備了豐富多元的紀念品,讓駭客精神伴你左右!無論是筆記本、手機擦拭貼等生活實用小物,還是超有梗的紙膠帶、讓你生活更有型的帽 T、背包等。有質感的實體週邊商品,將為你留存 HITCON 的專屬回憶。
- 名稱:桌遊 HITCON Board Game!
- 位置 Location:4樓 東側 / 4F East
- 類型 Type:官方 Official
- 簡介:這套已經絕版的夢幻逸品,將在 HITCON CMT 2016 活動現場開放會眾一起同樂!目前此款 HITCON 桌遊暫無再版計畫,錯過這次,下次要再碰到它,不知是何年何月囉!
地點 Venue
中央研究院 人文社會科學館 國際會議廳
Academia Sinica Humanities & Social Sciences Building
No.128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, Taiwan
交通 Transportation
公車路線 Bus Line
Bus lines 205, 212, 270, 276, 306, 620, 645 all go to Academia Sinica
捷運 MRT
Take the Nankang-Banqiao-Tucheng line to Nankang Station, and then transfer to Bus 212, 270 or Blue 25 to go to Academia Sinica.
火車 TRA Train
Transfer to Bus 212, 270 or Blue 25 at Nankang Train Station to go to Academia Sinica.
Organizers and Sponsors
主辦 Organizers
贊助 Sponsors
- 人才招募贊助商: 台灣電腦網路危機處理暨協調中心 Taiwan Computer Emergency Response Team / Coordination Center (TWCERT/CC)
- 人才招募贊助商: 雷亞遊戲 Rayark Inc.
- 人才招募贊助商: 關貿網路股份有限公司
特別合作 Special Sponsors
會議伙伴 Partners
- 總召: Allen Own
- 副總召: PineApple
- 社團法人台灣駭客協會 秘書長: Turkey
- 議程組長: Jal
- 議程助理組長: 阿旺
- 公關組長: Shirley
- 公關文宣組長: 泰泰
- 活動組長: Joey
- 紀錄組長: othree
- 形象組長: 柳丁皮蒙面俠
- 形象組長: Serrok
- 翻譯組長: JLurker
- 設備組長: MouseMs
- 行政組長: 珣珣
- 行政組票務組長: 小蘇
- 行政組物流組長: 學姊
- 行政組場務組長: ws育慈
- 行政組場務餐飲組長: 阿吉
- 行政組場務報到組長: 遇雨
- 行政組場務門機組長: fateyan
Code of Conduct
此行為準則是基於Conference Code of Conduct(http://confcodeofconduct.com/)而訂定。
Conference Code of Conduct
All attendees, speakers, sponsors and volunteers at our conference are required to agree to following the code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code of conduct throughout the event. We are expecting cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Sponsors are also subject to the anti-harassment policy. In particular, sponsors should not use sexualized images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized clothing/uniforms/customes, or otherwise create a sexualized environment.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the conference organizers may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or expulsion from the conference with no refund. If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of conference staff immediately. Conference staff will be visible by their special badges and clothing.
Conference staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. We value your attendance. We expect participants to follow these rules at all conference venues and conference-related social events.
This code of conduct is based off the work done at Conference Code of Conduct.
注意事項 - 會場須知 / Notice - Conference Hall
- 會議期間請全程配戴識別證,若無配戴則恕無法進入會議廳,工作人員會把您阻擋在外,請離開會議廳時記得攜出。
- 會議廳內嚴禁飲食,點心和飲料請在會議廳外享用完畢,再行進入會議廳。
- 為維護其他人聽議程的權利,長時間離開座位請將位置禮讓給他人,勿使用私人物品佔位,否則工作人員會將佔位物品移開且恕不負保管責任。
- 建議您使用自行攜帶的環保餐具,大會亦會提供紙杯,但請重複使用。
- 有空的時候不妨到攤位區逛逛或參與大會其他活動,有機會可以獲得意想不到的好處!
- 若在會場中有任何問題或遺失物品,歡迎至服務處詢問工作人員。
- Please wear your badge at all times throughout the event. Without the badge you will NOT be able to enter the conference rooms. Make sure to bring the badge with you if you have to leave for a moment.
- Eating and drinking are NOT allowed in the conference rooms. Please finish your food or drinks outside before you enter.
- For the convenience of all participants, please yield your seat to the others if you are not coming back in an extended period of time. From time to time the HITCON staffs will remove the belongings left unattended and will NOT be responsible for keeping them.
- You are encouraged to bring reusable utensils. Paper cups will be provided, but please reuse them to avoid unnecessary waste.
- Visit the booths or participate in the activities when you have time. It may be your lucky day!
- If you have any questions or lost anything at the conference, please contact the staffs at the information desk.
注意事項 - 網路 / Notice - Internet
- 這裡是 HITCON ,主辦單位不保證網路的安全性!
- 會場內禁止進行任何型態的網路攻擊,違者將會強制驅逐出場。
- 現場座位皆備有有線網路孔與電源插座,若您使用蘋果電腦,請務必自行準備延長線,以免佔用過多接頭。
- 無線網路 SSID 將會以 HITCON 開頭,請留意會議廳所屬編號,並優先使用 5Ghz 的無線網路名稱。
- 座位設有網路孔,請您務必記得攜帶網路線,大會恕不提供。會場內亦提供 2.4GHz & 5GHz 無線網路,惟基於安全性與穩定性之考量,仍建議您優先使用有線網路。
- 如有使用 3G 網卡或智慧型手機之需求,請藉由 USB 連接使用 3G 上網,勿於會場私設 AP。
- The network security and connection safety are NOT guaranteed, for this is HITCON. Any types of cyber attacks are strictly prohibited. Violators will be forced to leave.
- There are LAN and power sockets available near the seats. For Mac computer users, please remember to bring an extension cord so that other sockets will not be blocked.
- Wireless network service will be provided at the conference with SSID names beginning with "HITCON." Please pay attention to the conference room you're in and connect to the 5 Ghz band first.
- Please bring your own ethernet cable if you need Internet access. We are NOT able to offer additional cables. 2.4 GHz and 5 Ghz wireless network will also be available. However, for security and reliability concerns, participants are recommended to use the LAN networks first.
- Personal wireless access points ("Hotspots") are not allowed at HITCON. Please connect to the 3G network through USB tethering if you want to use a 3G network adapter or a smartphone to get online.
注意事項 - IRC / Notice - IRC
IRC 是會場的線上聊天室,你只要透過網頁:http://irc.hitcon.org 並輸入 nickname 即可參與聊天。
若您使用 IRC 軟體連線,我們的連線資訊如下:irc.freenode.net:8001 #hitcon
IRC is an online chatroom for the convention. Visit http://irc.hitcon.org and enter your nickname to join the chat. For IRC software users, please connect with the information as follows: irc.freenode.net:8001 #hitcon
注意事項 - Freenode Webchat
至瀏覽器開啟 http://webchat.freenode.net/
於 channel 輸入 hitcon,按下 connect 按鈕加入 HITCON IRC
(若是人數太多無法連線,請自行使用 IRC 軟體連線)
注意事項 - 同步口譯 / Notice - Interpreting
- 本次國際會議廳議程提供中英文即時口譯,口譯系統採網路廣播,網站將公佈於國際會議廳 IRC 聊天室。
- 相關需求如筆電、平板及耳機等煩請您自備,大會恕無法提供。
- 服務台備有少量耳機,若有需要可前往自由樂捐後索取。
- Chinese and English interpreting service will be provided at the international conference hall through online streaming.
- The streaming address will be announced on the IRC channel for the international conference hall.
- If you need earphone, please contact the staffs at the information desk.