參加 HITCON 2015 CMT / I want in!
報名方式 (不開放現場售票)
- 報名時間:2015/06/17 20:00 - 07/05 23:59 UTC+8
- 一般票新台幣 2,000元/張
- 學生票新台幣 1,000元/張
- 報名時間:2015/07/06 20:00 - 08/27 22:00 UTC+8
- 一般票新台幣 2,000元/張
- 學生票新台幣 1,000元/張
- 現場報名是網路售票有剩才開放,且數量可能非常少或無人數,額滿為止,額滿後恕不開放入場。
- 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱,並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。
- 請與會人員詳細閱讀「HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。
- 本活動恕不接受退票。
- 持「學生證」(大專院校不含研究所),須蓋 103 學年度上下學期「註冊章」,且年齡 24 歲以下。
- 持「身分證、駕照、健保卡、護照」四種有照片證件之一,須為民國 85 年 9 月後出生者,例如國中、高中職學生
- 每位持學生票者,需提供本人學生證或上述四種有照片證件。
- 未帶證件或不符資格者,一律以「一般身份」需補票進場。
- 網路報名請妥善填寫真實資料,並攜帶有照片證件備用。
- 請記住您的報名確認函內容,以供查驗身分。
- 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理。
- 與會兩天中提供豐盛午餐及精緻下午茶點。
Registration (Does not sell on-site tickets)
1st Online Registration:
- Period: 2015/06/17 20:00 - 07/05 23:59 UTC+8
- Full Price: TWD $2,000
- Student Price: TWD $1,000
2nd Online Registration:
- Period: 2015/07/06 20:00 - 08/27 22:00 UTC+8
- Full Price: TWD $2,000
- Student Price: TWD $1,000
On-site Registration:
- On-site registration will only be open when there are leftover seats from the previous stages of registration, therefore, there may be little or no seats available for on-site registration.
- There will be no additional seats for on-site registration once all the available ones are sold out.
Notes on Registration:
- For oversea participants who are unable to wire-transfer the registration fees, please email us at [email protected] with the list of participants, and we'll assist you.
- All fees are not refundable
- Be sure to fill in legitimate and accurate information during online registration, and bring along any photo identification on the conference day in case the need for it arises.
Notes on Student Status:
- To be eligible for the student status, one must meet either of the criteria:
- Holders of a valid undergraduate student ID ( graduate students are ineligible ) for the past academic year and under the age of 24.
- Those who are born after Sep 1996, and can prove it with an identity card, passport, driver license or any other valid photo identification with birth date.
- Those with the student status will need to present either their student ID, or any photo identification with birth date at the on-site check-in.
- For those who are not eligible for student status or is unable to present their supporting documentation, they'll need to pay the difference between the full price and student price.
Notes for Participants:
- After successful registration, be sure to read the confirmation email, the QRCode in it will be used to verify your identity upon check-in.
- The lodging and transportation to and from the conference venue will be at the participants' own expense
- Lunch and desserts will be provided during the two conference day.