會場須知 Conference Hall
- 會議期間請全程配戴識別證,若無配戴則恕無法進入會議廳,工作人員會把您阻擋在外,請離開會議廳時記得攜出。
- 會議廳內嚴禁飲食,點心和飲料請在會議廳外享用完畢,再行進入會議廳。
- 為維護其他人聽議程的權利,長時間離開座位請將位置禮讓給他人,勿使用私人物品佔位,否則工作人員會將佔位物品移開且恕不負保管責任。
- 建議您使用自行攜帶的環保餐具,大會亦會提供紙杯,但請重複使用。
- 有空的時候不妨到攤位區逛逛或參與大會其他活動,有機會可以獲得意想不到的好處!
- 若在會場中有任何問題或遺失物品,歡迎至服務處詢問工作人員。
- Please wear your badge at all times throughout the event. Without the badge you will NOT be able to enter the conference rooms. Make sure to bring the badge with you if you have to leave for a moment.
- Eating and drinking are NOT allowed in the conference rooms. Please finish your food or drinks outside before you enter.
- For the convenience of all participants, please yield your seat to the others if you are not coming back in an extended period of time. From time to time the HITCON staffs will remove the belongings left unattended and will NOT be responsible for keeping them.
- You are encouraged to bring reusable utensils. Paper cups will be provided, but please reuse them to avoid unnecessary waste.
- Visit the booths or participate in the activities when you have time. It may be your lucky day!
- If you have any questions or lost anything at the conference, please contact the staffs at the information desk.
網路 Internet
- 這裡是 HITCON ,主辦單位不保證網路的安全性!
- 會場內禁止進行任何型態的網路攻擊,違者將會強制驅逐出場。
- 現場座位皆備有有線網路孔與電源插座,若您使用蘋果電腦,請務必自行準備延長線,以免佔用過多接頭。
- 無線網路 SSID 將會以 HITCON 開頭,請留意會議廳所屬編號,並優先使用 5Ghz 的無線網路名稱。
- 座位設有網路孔,請您務必記得攜帶網路線,大會恕不提供。會場內亦提供 2.4GHz & 5GHz 無線網路,惟基於安全性與穩定性之考量,仍建議您優先使用有線網路。
- 如有使用 3G 網卡或智慧型手機之需求,請藉由 USB 連接使用 3G 上網,勿於會場私設 AP。
- The network security and connection safety are NOT guaranteed, for this is HITCON. Any types of cyber attacks are strictly prohibited. Violators will be forced to leave.
- There are LAN and power sockets available near the seats. For Mac computer users, please remember to bring an extension cord so that other sockets will not be blocked.
- Wireless network service will be provided at the conference with SSID names beginning with "HITCON." Please pay attention to the conference room you're in and connect to the 5 Ghz band first.
- Please bring your own ethernet cable if you need Internet access. We are NOT able to offer additional cables. 2.4 GHz and 5 Ghz wireless network will also be available. However, for security and reliability concerns, participants are recommended to use the LAN networks first.
- Personal wireless access points ("Hotspots") are not allowed at HITCON. Please connect to the 3G network through USB tethering if you want to use a 3G network adapter or a smartphone to get online.
同步口譯 Interpreting
- 本次國際會議廳議程提供中英文即時口譯,口譯系統採網路廣播,網站將公佈於國際會議廳 IRC 聊天室。
- 相關需求如筆電、平板及耳機等煩請您自備,大會恕無法提供。
- 服務台備有少量耳機,若有需要可前往自由樂捐後索取。
- Chinese and English interpreting service will be provided at the international conference hall through online streaming.
- The streaming address will be announced on the IRC channel for the international conference hall.
- If you need earphone, please contact the staffs at the information desk.
IRC 是會場的線上聊天室,你只要透過網頁: 並輸入 nickname 即可參與聊天。
若您使用 IRC 軟體連線,我們的連線資訊如下 #hitcon
IRC is an online chatroom for the convention. Visit and enter your nickname to join the chat. For IRC software users, please connect with the information as follows: #hitcon
Freenode Webchat
於 channel 輸入 hitcon,按下 connect 按鈕加入 HITCON IRC
(若是人數太多無法連線,請自行使用 IRC 軟體連線)