

HITCON Re:CTF 顧名思義,我們即將復刻 HITCON CTF 20 週年經典題目!這是一場充滿挑戰和樂趣的駭客盛宴。無論你是初學者還是進階玩家,都能從中獲益良多。不僅如此,我們還會帶你回顧更早期的題目,體驗歷年來的精華。在年會前一週,你可以提前感受比賽的刺激,解開那些讓你煩惱的難題。而年會當天,還有教學性質的分享交流會,讓頂尖駭客們一起交流解題思路,共同進步。


還記得去年的 Badge 大亂鬥嗎?今年的 Badge 以 PCB(印刷電路板)的形式強勢回歸啦!
今年每個人的識別證都是一張 PCB,PCB Badge 的分數會隨時間增加。會眾們也可以透過聽議程、逛社群攤位、PCB Badge 對接等方式累積知識積分,還能用 PCB Badge 玩各種小遊戲!
在活動組的攤位也會備有燒錄器,歡迎會眾們一起來互相交流 PCB Badge 的多種玩法。
[註] 每日個人積分前幾名將有特殊獎品,達到特定門檻者亦有參加獎。

Community 社群攤位

Community 社群攤位旨在促進資訊安全社群的對外宣傳,這裡是各大資訊安全社團招募新社員和展示活動成的舞台。參與者可以與社團代表交流,了解最新的資訊安全動態,並探索加入社群的機會。

Village 專區

Village 專區引入國外研討會的創新概念,通過多種形式展示特定資安議題。今年的主題包括 CTF、Phishing、Malware、USB Hacking、Car Hacking 等。每個 Village 專區將帶領與會者深入了解這些主題的技術細節,提供豐富的學習和實踐機會。


"ZANSIN" is a competition-style workshop, also known as "MINI Hardening" in Japan and was called "KENRO DOJO" in HITCON CMT 2023, where participants compete to harden a vulnerable server provided by the organizers. We have organized this event over 20 times in Japan and also held it at HITCON CMT 2019 and 2023.
In this event, participants act as operators of the vulnerable online game server and strive to harden and stabilize the system while defending against attacks from our Red Team. If the game server is functioning properly, a crawler simulating game players will play the online game and occasionally make purchases. Participants compete for rankings based on the total amount of these purchases. Furthermore, after the competition, Red Team members provide detailed explanations of the vulnerabilities of the server and the corresponding mitigation methods. Therefore, this event not only provides an enjoyable competition but also offers an opportunity to learn about server hardening in a comprehensive manner.
To participate in this workshop, you need both a HITCON ticket and to register through the Accupass site below.
Produced by M.Tabata, Y.Matsumoto (Capy), Y.Kyan, S.Suzaki (Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc.), D.Ichinose (Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc.), I.Takaesu (Mitsui Bussan Secure Directions, Inc.), T.Yamazaki (Macnica, Inc.), K.Watarai (Toyo University), and Y.Yahara (Macnica, Inc.)