報名資訊 / Registration
- 報名時間:2014/06/16 00:00 — 2014/06/30 12:00
- 新台幣 8,000 元
- 報名時間:2014/07/01 00:00 — 2014/08/18 23:50
- 新台幣 10,000 元
- 會議舉行當日可至現場報名新台幣 12,000 元。
- 現場報名是網路售票有剩餘才開放,額滿為止,額滿後恕不開放入場。
- 報名時間:2014/07/01 00:00 — 2014/08/18 23:50
- 學生票 新台幣 1,000 元
- 一般票 新台幣 2,000 元
- 無現場報名
- 活動為多軌議程,大會不保證參加者座位。
- 本活動恕不接受退票。
- 海外參加者若無法匯款,請來信大會服務信箱,並提供參加名單,我們將為您服務。
- 請與會人員詳細閱讀「HITCON 個人資料保護聲明」。
- 票務部分不同於之前幾屆,本屆 HITCON-X ENT 與 HITCON-X PLG 兩場大會票卷需分開購買,單一大會票卷無法參加另一場大會,購票時請注意 !
- 持「學生證」(大專院校不含研究所),須蓋 102 學年度上下學期「註冊章」,且年齡 24 歲以下。
- 持「身分證、駕照、健保卡、護照」四種有照片證件之一,須為民國 84 年 9 月後出生者,例如國中、高中職學生
- 每位持學生票者,需提供本人學生證或上述四種有照片證件。
- 未帶證件或不符資格者,一律以「一般身份」需補票進場。
- 網路報名請妥善填寫真實資料,並攜帶有照片證件備用。
- 請記住您的報名確認函內容,以供查驗身分。
- 與會人員往返交通費及需住宿請自理。
- 與會中 ENT / PLG 皆提供豐盛午餐及精緻下午茶點。
- 本活動由 KKTIX 開立電子發票。需統一編號者請務必填寫統編等資訊。
HITCON-X ENT Registration
Early Online Registration:
- Period: 2014/06/16 00:00 ~ 2014/06/30 12:00
- Price: NTD$ 8,000
Regular Online Registration:
- Period: 2014/07/01 00:00 ~ 2014/08/18 23:50
- Price: NTD$ 10,000
On-site Registration:
- On-site registration will cost NTD$ 12,000
- On-site registration will only be open when there are leftover seats from the previous stages of registration, therefore, there may be little or no seats available for on-site registration.
- There will be no additional seats for on-site registration once all the available ones are sold out.
HITCON-X PLG Registration
Online Registration:
- Period: 2014/07/01 00:00 ~ 2014/08/18 23:50
- Student Price: NTD$ 1,000
- Regular Price: NTD$ 2,000
Notes on Registration:
- For oversea participants who are unable to wire-transfer the registration fees, please email us at [email protected] with the list of participants, and we'll assist you.
- All fees are not refundable
- Be sure to fill in legitimate and accurate information during online registration, and bring along any photo identification on the conference day in case the need for it arises.
- Please note: HITCON-X ENT and HITCON-X PLG tickets will be sold separately. It is different from previous HITCON tickets.
- We accept credit card, and bank wires for online registration. If you are coming from overseas, we would recommend you using credit card to make payment. On-site registration accepts only cash in TWD.
Notes on Student Status:
- To be eligible for the student status, one must meet either of the criteria:
- Holders of a valid undergraduate student ID ( graduate students are ineligible ) for the past academic year and under the age of 24.
- Those who are born after Sep 1995, and can prove it with an identity card, passport, driver license or any other valid photo identification with birth date.
- Those with the student status will need to present either their student ID, or any photo identification with birth date at the on-site check-in.
- For those who are not eligible for student status or is unable to present their supporting documentation, they'll need to pay the difference between the f
Notes for Participants:
- After successful registration, be sure to read the confirmation email, the QRCode in it will be used to verify your identity upon check-in.
- The lodging and transportation to and from the conference venue will be at the participants' own expense
- Lunch and desserts will be provided during the two conference day.