HITCON ZeroDay 發表會
面對包羅萬象的漏洞通報資訊,近年 Google 有漏洞計劃小組 Google Project Zero,HITCON 則有 HITCON ZeroDay 平台,協助企業或組織找出漏洞。今年政府通過「資通安全管理法」後,企業與資安人員更須了解漏洞與資安通報的重要性。大會將邀請幾位挖掘出重要漏洞的高手站上舞台現身說法,不藏私的向來自世界各地的與會聽眾分享寶貴經驗!
To face many vulnerability report information, Google have Google Porject Zore. HITCON also have the HITCON ZeroDay platform. To help the origination or enterprice to file the vulenerabilities. After Taiwan government pass the law of cyber security management, the corporations and security guys need to more understand the important of vulnerability report. HITCON will invite some experts to talk about how important of bug hunting.
HITCON Token 數位加密貨幣隆重登場!
不管你是幣圈新韭菜還是老司機通通看過來~今年 HITCON Community 以區塊鏈為主軸,除了設計電路板的硬體錢包外,並將於現場加入數位加密貨幣 HITCON Token 元素!活動期間會眾將會擁有屬於自己的數位錢包,可透過挑戰企業攤位舉辦的資安競賽、參加場內活動或大會將不定時舉辦『大撒幣』活動來取得免費 HITCON Token。
會眾可將 HITCON Token 當作支付現場神秘駭客闖關活動的門票,也可以使用 HITCON Token 換取 or 購買 HITCON 限量紀念品!除此之外,還可以透過 HITCON Token 來升級電路板上專屬於你的駭客喵喵哦!
Cryptocurrency: HITCON Token
No matter you are a comer or old-timer in digital currency community please note. The main topic of the HITCON CMT 2018 will be “Blockchain”. Not only the physical Coolwallet of Electronic Board but also have a new cryptocurrency “HITCON Token”.
During the conference time, the attendees will have their own digital wallet and use it to participate in the activity. Ex. the sponsor's booth or the conference will randomly launch the “Free Token” event.
The attendees can use the HITCON Token to purchase the ticket of the secret event. And attendees can also use the HITCON Token to exchange or purchase the souvenirs HITCON. We will also let you use the HITCON Token with HITCON Electronic Board to upgrade your own Hacker Cat.
HITCON HackDoor x Workshop
資訊安全威脅日益嚴重,除外部網路攻擊之外,企業內網安全也不容忽視,今年 HITCON CMT 首次舉辦 HITCON HackDoor 密室逃脫實境挑戰 X Workshop 桌邊教學活動,將場景設定在企業辦公場所,以駭客攻擊思維出發,設計包含入侵門禁監控系統、破解網路封包機敏資訊、遠端操控連網設備等多樣化題型,等你組隊來挑戰!
想搶先體驗 HITCON HackDoor 魅力所在?那你絕不能錯過 Workshop 桌邊教學攤位,現場指導人員將提供快速入門指南及新手闖關提示,協助被賦予角色與任務的玩家,限時完成入侵任務。
HITCON CMT 2018 will work with HITCON CTF team provide the first real-world escape the room “HackDoor”. The game includes hack the Access Control System, hack the network equipment, analyze the network traffic, etc. The design of each part is amazing. It will release and challenge your teamwork and hacker soul.
Do you want to try HITCON HackDoor? You should never miss the tutorial workshop. The staff will provide you quick instruction and beginner hint and help you understand what the character and mission you have.
HITCON HackDoor invites you to challenge!!!
為鼓勵國內資安社群針對初學者設計專屬議題,並提出最新研究成果,大會提供每場 50 分鐘的特別時段!想共同見證國內資安能量蓬勃發展的偉大時刻,就絕不要錯過內容包羅萬象、議題精采絕倫的HITCON 101。
To encourage introductive topics delivered to beginners by local infosec communities, as well as providing these communities opportunities to share their findings, we have reserved a 50-minute session delicated to infosec novices. To witness this great moment of flourishing infosec community momentium in Taiwan, don't miss HITCON 101.
HITCON Wallet 電路板已內建 Secure Element 冷錢包,且含電子紙、WIFI 與 BLE 等功能!幸運擁有者,除可在大會期間參加專屬的神秘活動外,會後還可當作私人的安全離線版硬體錢包,存放 Bitcoin 或 Ethereum 這類的加密貨幣喔!
對 Secure Element 冷錢包功能感到好奇嗎?渴望以超值價格擁有尊爵電路板嗎?立馬搶購 HITCON CMT 2018 的 VIP 或升級票種,即可同時獲得大會門票與電路板!數量極度有限,機會錯過不再!(大會紀念品攤位也有販售限量的 HITCON Wallet)
The first Open Source Blockchain electronic badges in the world will come with HITCON CMT Royal VIP Pass and Premium Pass. This electronic badges include Secure Element Coolwallet, Electronic Paper, WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy. The attendees who have this device could not only participate in the secret activity during the HITCON CMT 2018 but also could use this device as the offline version of physical wallet. (Don’t need to buy Ledger anymore.) It could be used to store Bitcoin and Ethereum. Do you want Secure Element Coolwallet? Do you want a HITCON CMT 2018 Electronic badges limited edition? Please purchase HITCON CMT 2018 Royal VIP Pass or Premium Pass. Don’t miss it.
駭客喵喵 Hacker Cat
駭客喵喵將於 HITCON CMT 閃亮登場!想讓你/妳的駭客喵喵穿上金剛不敗的盔甲衣嗎,快來蒐集 HITCON Token,讓駭客喵喵升級吧!
Hacker Cat will first show out at HITCON CMT 2018! Do you want to help your hacker cat with super armor? Go to collect the HITCON Token and upgarde your hacker cat.
自己的電路板自己焊 Hack Your Own Gadgets
One cannot do without unique gadgets when coming to the most fascinating hacking conference this year. HITCON CMT provide a place for all the attendees to welding your personal gadget. We also provide all the equipments for welding and have a professional mentor to help you. If you want to make your unique gadgets, come to the event "Hack your own gadgets"
駭客算命攤 x 超。快速入門
神秘的算命攤是屬於 HITCON 獨有的特別活動,是個很自由、非正式的小型聚會場地。最重要的是,我們邀請了資安界大大,他們會將正式議程內容以最淺顯易懂的方式來講解給入門者聽。
The special culture of HITCON CMT “The Divination”. This is a freestyle and unofficial meetup. We will invite some security expert to give a comment on HITCON session in real time. To use an easy way to help beginner explain the HITCON session. If you think the HITCON sessions are too difficult to understand, come to the HITCON 101 Divination and let the experts help yours.
奇葩獎 78 Awards
從 2013 年開始,HITCON CMT 除了安排精彩的議程外,更舉辦了「奇葩獎」的活動 。
除了每年的議程中進行頒獎活動外,Facebook 上也成立了奇葩獎討論區,提供一個可以即時了解資安事件,互相分享討論交流心得的空間。
Since 2013, HITCON CMT not only brings fascinating sessions, but also presents the "78 Awards" as well.
"HITCON 78 Awards" is a special event among all the sessions in HITCON. The purpose is to promote the hard works of those brilliant hackers, and the most weird and respectful cases over the past year. With humors, we aim to bring up the attention to security issues for Taiwan society, and add more diversity to the sessions.
Not only we have a awarding ceremony in every year's session, we also have a "78 Awards" group on Facebook ( which provides a space to know security issues and have discussion.
Feel free to join the "78 Awards" group, and together let's keep our eyes on the anecdotes of information security!
挖掘受駭 IP CAM - 速速通報 TWCERT/CC
QNAP 資安解密任務,體驗高規格網路安全防護
CHT Security -
Challenge the world detective, wait for your solving the case
FineArt Technology -
Cybersecurity riddle
Dig the IP Cam, report to TWCERT/CC
104 -
Not for our customer, we are hiring the security talent
QNAP cybersecurity mission, experience the high-level security protection
iForensics -
Memory forensic from malware (Open registration at the booth)
Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs -
Hacker challenge. You can get the Token if you pass
Ministry of Science and Technology -
Cybersecurity challenge for all people
大會首度為紀念品導入數位貨幣元素,將在會場推出低調奢華的 HITCON 紀念金幣、精心設計的保溫瓶、絕無僅有的特色杯套以及超酷炫的萬能貼紙!會眾專屬的駭客風格、豐富多元的限量紀念品,一定會讓您愛不釋手!快來把秒殺商品帶回家,讓您在參加今年議程後,知識與行囊都收穫滿滿!
HITCON CMT 2018 introduces the element of digital currency into souvenirs for the first time, as well as low-key but luxury HITCON commemorative coins, unique cup sleeves and super cool stickers at the venue! The exclusively limited hacker style souvenirs will definitely make you love it! Come to bring them home. You will pack them all, after your participation after participating in the conference!
設置各資安研討會上必備的綿羊牆,時時提醒大家傳輸通道安全和加密協定的重要性,已是 HITCON CMT 的經典傳統。想檢視自己的傳輸與設定是否安全無虞嗎?別讓自己的名字出現在會場的專屬螢幕上就算成功囉!
For the security conference, it cannot without having the "Wall of Sheep!". To remind all the attendees how important of secure communication. The wall of sheep had been traditional of HITCON CMT. Do you want to review the security of your devices? Don't let your name showing on the Wall of Sheep might be the most important thing.
To reduce the regret of ticket price or location distance. We will provide free ticket, room and transportation assistance.
For all the sutudents who interested in cyber security, (Under 24 years ago) have opportunity to submit proposal to HITCON CMT.
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