HITCON Summer Training
HITCON Community
in Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan

What is HITCON?




From technical aspect, there is no right or wrong; we think the word "hacker" represents professional skill and dare to challenge.

Unlike commercial conferences, HITCON provides a stage for hackers to share the latest and advanced security technology and have discussion with everyone. We are very strict about our sessions to make sure that everything published in HITCON is commercial-free researches, latest trends, or advanced hacker skills. We also hope that every session is interested by our attendees.

HITCON is the yearly party of hackers. Not only sharing technologies, but also feeling the true hacker spirit. Through the interaction of hackers and communities, there are always issues that is new and sensitive. We invite anyone interested in information securities to HITCON.

HITCON Community

HITCON Community 不僅是國內最具含量的純技術資安研討會,更是一場多元豐富的嘉年華會,除了精彩絕倫的技術議程外,亦規劃一系列資安相關活動,使每一位對資安有興趣的朋友,無論是專家駭客或入門者,都得以在這場盛會中有所收穫、盡興而歸。

臺灣向來是各式資訊社群發展蓬勃的精華地區,資安社群自然也不例外。我們希望維持 HITCON 傳統,與國內外資安社群共同成長。為促進社群力量的傳承,本年度大會也特地設立社群專屬議程,鼓勵各社群站上 HITCON 舞台展現研究成果及推廣自身精神,讓 HITCON 不僅是 HITCON,而是一場全民的資安盛會。

HITCON community is not only the most technical information security conference in Taiwan, but also a carnival full of fun as well with exciting sessions and security-related activities. We hope that everyone who is interested in security, no matter novice or professional, can have fun and learn a lot here.

Taiwan has always played an important role in building up any kind of community; security communities is also one. We look forward to keep the HITCON spirit and grow with every security communities. To become a helpful hand to the communities, this year we have a community-only track to encourage the communities to share their work and spread their ideas. Together, let us make HITCON not only HITCON, but also a festival of security to the public.